31/05/2022POOL REGULATIONS 2022
Verona, 1 June 2022
Dearest Members and Dearest Members,
I transmit, together with this one, the letter convening the annual meeting, scheduled for Thursday 23 June 2022 by the hour 18.30, on second call. In addition to deciding on the final budget 2021 and preventive 2022, the same will be called to decide on the appointment of the associative bodies and on topics of particular relevance regarding mandatory multi-year investments and an orientation towards the creation of padel court(s).
I wish, Therefore, provide some clarifications that I consider appropriate and useful in view of the aforementioned appointment.
– Approval of final balance sheet 2021 and budget 2022
The final budget will be illustrated 2021 with the related accompanying reports and the budget estimate 2022.
Please remember that, pursuant to art. 12 of the Articles of Association, Voting by proxy is not permitted for the part relating to the approval of the budget and the right to vote belongs exclusively to all members of the association who are up to date with the payment of membership fees..
– Renewal of the Association Bodies
Every member adhering to the association – provided they are up to date with the payment of the membership fee – will be able to express a maximum number of preferences equal to the number of councilors determined by the Assembly (between a minimum of five and a maximum of nine, in odd numbers; Therefore 5, 7 o 9, including the President).
The candidate who has received the highest number of votes among those who have submitted their candidacy to the secretariat within the deadline will be elected President.
The members will also have to nominate, in addition to the President, the Board of Directors, the Board of Auditors (composed of 3 Actual auditors and two substitute auditors registered in the Register of Statutory Auditors) and the Board of Arbitrators (also composed of 3 members) without the possibility of list voting.
Also for Councillors, Auditors and Arbitrators will be elected among the candidates who receive the highest number of votes from the assembly.
All corporate positions have a three-year term until the approval of the final budget 2024 and each member is always re-eligible, with the exception of the President of the Association who cannot be re-elected for
more than two consecutive terms.
Recalling the previous communication of 17/05/2022, pursuant to art. 13 of the company statute, the applications must reach the Association secretariat at least 8 (otto) days before the elective Assembly by sending written communication to the following email address:
– Points 4) e 5) of the agenda
4) Implementation of mandatory extraordinary interventions and related financial coverage:
a) compulsory renovation of the Club House roof with simultaneous installation of a photovoltaic system and energy requalification Club with public contribution;
The absolute need to re-roof the entire building constituting the Club House and the Secretariat found during the filming of the Challenger will be briefly illustrated to the members. 2021, with estimated quantification of the cost of the intervention. During the renovation, it will be proposed to create a cutting-edge work in terms of energy saving with the installation of a photovoltaic system, with almost complete public funding, which will reasonably allow the energy autonomy of the Club House, secretariat, changing rooms and adjacent fields.
b) adaptation and bringing the measures and field lighting system up to standard 6/7 for participation in the Serie A1 Women's ATV team championship.
Given the promotion to the women's series of the ATV team, the interventions that are mandatory for the championship matches will be illustrated, which will begin in October 2022, can be held at the ATV as desired by many members.
The interventions will concern the modification of the alignment of the fields 6 e 7, ancillary works and the installation of standard lighting systems for all national and international competitions.
For both points 4.a) e 4.b) in addition to quantifying the necessary investments, the possible related financial coverage will be illustrated, requesting express authorization from the members considering the extraordinary nature of the interventions.
5) Illustration to members of the hypothesis for the creation of a Padel structure with an examination of feasibility and related financial needs: inherent and consequent decisions.
For that point, taking into account the considerations and requests of some members, the real possibility will be briefly illustrated, taking into account the limitations of ATV's structure for the creation of Padel court(s), examining the compatibility of this activity with those of the club in general and in particular with the activities and statute of ATV, the concrete feasibility due to the Magistral Walls constraint, the pros and cons also with reference to noise pollution.
In essence it will come to the members, orientation is required to allow the future Board of Directors to make the most appropriate choice.
In the hope of meeting many of you at this event which marks a fundamental point for the life of the Association, I remain available for any necessary clarification and I take this opportunity to greet you with the warmest cordiality..
Alfonso Sonata