Wind: 5km/h SSW
Humidity: 57%
Pressure: 1022.69mbar
UV index: 0
9°C / 1°C
10°C / 2°C
10°C / 0°C
9°C / 2°C
Dear Members,
after some years, the software that manages the booking will be replaced
fields. Dal 14 February, next Friday. to book you will need to access the site
- The first thing that concerns you is web registration by clicking on "you are not registered? Sign in"
- Then enter name, surname, date of birth, sex, accept the conditions of service and then continue.
- Enter your mobile phone and email and choose your password personal and click on"proceed"
- Perform verification via email or text message as indicated.
Once registration is complete you will be able to access the scoreboard reservations by logging in with email or mobile phone and then entering your password chosen. Then for any problem relating to registration we are at disposition.
The booking method will however be simple and intuitive and as with
old system, just click on the desired day and time to book.
You will need to have sufficient credit in your account. The system allows
to book up to zero credit for a maximum overdraft of 23,00 €.
With a negative balance of even a few cents the system does not allow you to
It will still be possible to top up by credit card or PayPal from own reserved area by clicking on the button "Paypal" which will give all the options recharge.
The system will also provide for the division of the field share between players as long as both have available credit. In the case the second player (or third and fourth in doubles) does not have available credit booking party can choose to anticipate or offer the other(s) share player(s)..
The transfer of your balance from the old system will take place on the day expected passage. So please book normally with the old one system until the day 13 included. Dal 14 you will find all yours bookings moved to Wansport. For accounting reasons and just to manage you will only find the transfer by browsing the board and not on yours personal account.
New bookings made of 14 onwards they will also be visible on your account.
The day 14 there will also be work to replace the machines they manage automatic lighting and heating, in addition to the readers of access cards. We therefore recommend patience if so experienced any inconvenience due to the works.
In the days before and after the change for any information or If you need assistance you can contact the secretariat during the usual opening hours opening, or the number 3289189692 for emergencies from 8 at 21.
For the moment the functionality of the totem will be suspended and will return active with the reopening of the central court. However, it is always possible to do so reservations from your personal area, da smartphone tablet e pc.
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation and understanding
Kind regards
Nicola Rosa Gilda
Verona Tennis Association
viale Col. Galliano 4, 37138 Verona
Good morning,
Noting with pleasure that many of you are already using the new booking platform without problems, we would like to point out a few steps to follow so that everything is correct for you and for the administration.
- Log in to your reserved area
- choose the day from the reservations panel and click on an available time (green colour).
- Choose Single or Double and activate the light if desired. The lighting from the hours 18 it activates automatically (in summer from 20). Then click on "Book".
- On the next screen, add your playmate by writing their surname in the appropriate field. Click on the name of the interested party and choose from the three options "Invite" "add" "offer". The invite option is only useful if you don't have a partner and are looking for someone to play with. The option "add" it is used to actually add the playmate. In this case the cost of the game is divided between the two players. If the second player has no credit, the option can be used "offer the match" which charges the entire cost to the booker. Obviously valid option even if the partner has sufficient credit. We remind you that it is mandatory to insert your playing companions and declare your Guests (name and surname + medical certificate)
Online Payments
- In the menu on the left in the credit account section you can top up your account up to a maximum of 500.00 € at a time. This credit can be used to book and pay for any other club service (Pallet, clothing, quote...).
- Also from the menu on the left in the payments section you will find all the charges for membership fees, various tournaments, lockers etc. From here you can select which items to pay. They are added to a "cart" e-commerce type. Once you have loaded what you want to pay, the system offers two options: the credit account (previous point) or online payment. The latter refers to PayPal. Anyone who has a PayPal account can use it, who doesn't have it, once inside the paypal site there is the option "Pay with a letter". Here the payment is not limited to 500.00 like refills, but it is unlimited, subject to limits set on your credit card.
Always remaining available for any clarifications needed, We hope this short guide will be useful to you.
Best regards
Secretarial staff